Have you ever gazed into the mirror and wished for a more radiant, whiter, and uniformly beautiful smile, all without the necessity of drilling into or compromising your natural teeth?

Embrace Your Smileā„¢ with the Finest Porcelain Veneers Beverly Hills Provides

Dr. Rodney Raanan dedicates ample time and meticulous attention to each patient, relentlessly pursuing nothing less than perfection in every instance. Yet our pursuit extends beyond mere aspiration; our track record and esteemed repute substantiate it for consistently attaining exquisite, authentically natural outcomes. This reputation is why some of the most renowned smiles globally confide in us for their dental needs.

"My teeth and my smile are now just the way I want, and I can't thank them enough for giving me that confidence."

Experience the Distinctive Advantage of Rodney Raanan Dental Veneers

When searching for the optimal dentist for your Beverly Hills porcelain veneers, opting for someone with the appropriate expertise and training in cosmetic dentistry methodologies holds paramount significance. Equally crucial is selecting a dentist who invests the necessary time to comprehend your unique self and aesthetic dental aspirations while also wielding the finesse and artistic prowess to translate your precise vision into reality. Compromising these factors is how certain individuals find themselves with dental veneers that appear unnatural, resulting in smiles that lack harmony with their facial features.

When you visit our dental office for your porcelain veneers, the process initiates with a one-on-one consultation to comprehensively understand your smile. This undertaking may be time-intensive, likely emerging as the most all-encompassing dental evaluation you’ve encountered. Yet, this meticulous approach is imperative for attaining unparalleled quality outcomes. Dr. Rodney is wholly dedicated to furnishing the utmost care and empathy in all their endeavors. Moreover, we firmly eschew shortcuts concerning the materials destined for your oral cavity. Here, no expense is spared, ensuring that only the finest-grade porcelain veneers available in Beverly Hills are provided to you.
The synergy of these elements culminates in a discernible distinction, elevating the caliber of care extended and empowering Dr. Rodney Raanan to sculpt harmonious, well-proportioned, and naturally captivating smiles for each individual who walks through our doors.


Dr. Rodney Raanan conveys to patients that our most exceptional work remains hidden. In porcelain veneers, it’s often the invisible aspects that hold the greatest significance. We firmly uphold the belief that nothing surpasses the allure of a naturally appealing smile that authentically seems inseparable from your identity. Simultaneously, we understand the objective is never to exhibit an overly conspicuous transformation. When your smile seamlessly harmonizes with your essence, an intangible “something” about you undergoes a transformation that captivates othersā€”instilling a newfound confidence and grace that eludes definition.
This enchanting effect is the magic of a Signature Smile, constituting our objective with every patient. How do we attain this remarkable result? It’s achieved through meticulous attention to detail, seizing every opportunity to safeguard your smile’s intrinsic traits while enhancing those elements that may detract from it.
Such a pursuit demands an intimate grasp of facial dynamics, oral structure, dental arrangement, and intricate interplay that collectively shape your unique identity. Occasionally, merely installing only one or two porcelain veneers may prove sufficient, obviating the need for extensive veneer coverage. We steadfastly believe that elegance is often born from simplicity. Hence we abstain from any unnecessary alterations to your smile. At Rodney Raanan, our objective revolves around delivering the paramount porcelain veneers in Beverly Hills and, conceivably, beyond.


Porcelain dental veneers present a multitude of advantages for individuals seeking to enhance their teeth’s appearance. Some key benefits of porcelain veneers include:

  1. Natural Appearance: Crafted from thin, tooth-colored materials, porcelain veneers are meticulously designed to mirror the look of natural teeth. Custom-made to match your existing teeth’s shape, size, and color, they seamlessly integrate into your smile.

  2. Durability: Porcelain, a robust and resilient substance, resists staining and discoloration. Veneers fashioned from porcelain can withstand the test of time, enduring for years when properly maintained.

  3. Simple Maintenance: Caring for porcelain veneers is uncomplicated. Routine brushing and flossing, as part of your usual dental hygiene regimen, suffice to maintain their cleanliness and health.

  4. Expedient Treatment: Acquiring porcelain veneers is generally a swift process, often requiring only two to three visits to the dental office for most patients.

  5. Enhanced Appearance: Porcelain veneers possess the versatility to address an array of aesthetic concerns, including chips, cracks, discoloration, and misalignment. They can bestow upon you a more radiant, uniform, and visually appealing smile.

  6. Boosts Confidence: A confident, attractive smile has the power to elevate self-esteem and enhance overall life quality. Porcelain veneers can infuse you with greater self-assurance in your appearance, fostering positive impacts on personal and professional relationships alike.


Come in for a consultation and find out all about the best porcelain dental veneers in Beverly Hills. Let Dr. Rodney Raanan help you Own Your Smileā„¢.


Porcelain veneers are a widely embraced and productive solution for enhancing the aesthetic appeal of teeth afflicted by damage, discoloration, or misalignment.
These delicate, individually crafted coverings are affixed to the front facet of teeth, resulting in a visually pleasing and authentic look. Nonetheless, it’s imperative to recognize that porcelain veneers might not be optimal for every individual, and alternative treatments can yield comparable outcomes. Indeed, there exist several alternatives to porcelain dental veneers that hold the potential to elevate the appearance of teeth.

Composite Resin

Composite resin bonding, also known as metal-free dental bonding, is a technique involving the application of a tooth-colored material (composite resin) onto a tooth’s surface to mend chips, cracks, or gaps. The resin is meticulously molded and refined to harmonize with neighboring teeth, and it can alter a tooth’s shape, dimensions, or hue. While composite resin bonding presents a more budget-friendly and minimally invasive alternative to porcelain veneers, it may offer a different degree of longevity or robustness.

Enamel Shaping and Contouring

Enamel shaping, or contouring, is a meticulous procedure involving the precise removal or reshaping of a small portion of tooth enamel to modify a tooth’s visual aspect. This technique is frequently employed to address minor flaws such as teeth overlapping or unevenness and achieve uniform tooth lengths. Enamel shaping is relatively swift and painless but might yield little transformations in the teeth’ appearance.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a technique that employs bleaching agents to brighten the shade of teeth. This procedure can be conducted through at-home applications using readily available products or administered by dental professionals in a clinical setting. It proves effective in enhancing the visual appeal of teeth affected by discoloration. However, it’s important to note that teeth whitening may not be suitable for addressing all types of staining or discoloration.

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment, including options like Invisalign, involves rectifying misaligned or uneven teeth using braces or alternative appliances. This approach typically spans several months to a few years, yielding enduring and remarkable transformations in teeth’ aesthetics and functionality. Orthodontic treatment might not be universally applicable and necessitate continuous upkeep to sustain the desired outcomes.

The best treatment option for individuals will depend on their specific needs and goals. Dr. Rodney has decades of combined experience in Cosmetic Dentistry and can help you determine the best treatment for you during a consultation.


The harmonious integration of your porcelain veneers with your overall facial attributes is paramount, aiming for a natural appearance and seamless fit.
For instance, if your face is petite, opting for long, square veneers would likely disrupt the overall proportions. If your face has angular or square contours, opting for softer-edged teeth is more suitable. The length of your teeth can significantly impact the result: longer teeth enhance a fuller face, while broader teeth complement a thinner facial structure.
There are four primary facial shapes, each suggesting an ideal tooth size and shape establish equilibrium among your features and bestow upon you an appealing smile.

Heart Shaped: If your face takes on a heart shape, opting for rounded and slightly shorter porcelain veneers tends to be more harmonious. Oval Shaped: If your face leans towards an oval shape, selecting porcelain veneers with square-shaped teeth is recommended. This choice contributes to enhancing facial width and adding a sense of fullness.

Heart Shaped: Faces that are heart shaped work better with rounded and shorter porcelain veneers. Oval Shaped: Faces that tend to be more oval in shape look better with square teeth which help widen and add fullness to the face.


One distinguishing feature that sets our practice apart is our possession of a dedicated on-site dental laboratory equipped with cutting-edge technologies and staffed by an exceptionally skilled and proficient team. This team stands unparalleled in its expertise.
This facet is a rarity in today’s dental landscape, but it forms an integral part of our unwavering commitment to excellence for all our patients. Our in-house dental lab empowers us to achieve excellent outcomes in a significantly shorter timeframe than other practices. It facilitates close collaboration with the artisans crafting your porcelain veneers, enabling meticulous oversight to ensure that every intricate detail is perfected.


Upon your arrival at our Beverly Hills dental office for your first consultation regarding dental veneers, our welcoming front desk team will extend a warm greeting. Their hospitable demeanor ensures that all your requirements are met and that you are at ease throughout the process.

Your consultation for porcelain veneers entails a personalized meeting with one of our esteemed veneer specialists, Dr. Rodney. Throughout this session, the doctor will dedicate ample time to gaining a comprehensive insight into your aspirations and goals and closely assessing your smile. This meticulous examination equips them with the essential data to formulate a treatment strategy tailored exclusively to you. This comprehensive consultation approach guarantees that every patient benefits from entirely individualized treatment, ensuring that no two individuals receive identical plans.

“I have never met a doctor as thorough as he was. Explaining who he is and what he does and the outcome for each individual patient with visuals and photos, before and afters, etc. You will feel so comfortable, welcomed, being a patient in his practice.”

What to expect from your consultation:

  • Personalized session with a seasoned cosmetic dentistry expert
  • Platform to articulate your concerns and objectives
  • Opportunity to address all your queries
  • In-depth assessment of your dental condition and potential treatment requirements
  • Customized treatment blueprint aligned with your needs
  • Transparent insight into the possibilities for enhancing your smile


Porcelain veneers stand as a premier approach to achieving a flawless smile, capable of remedying any or all of the subsequent cosmetic concerns pertaining to the teeth:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Teeth that are too small
  • Ground down teeth
  • Stained, discolored, or yellow teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

The benefits of undergoing porcelain veneer placement can genuinely lead to life-altering improvements. The advantages become indisputable when you consider the boost in self-confidence and enhanced quality of life that stems from the meticulous application of a new set of porcelain dental veneers.

Effectively addressing the concerns above hinges upon recognizing the significance of choosing the right dentist. Numerous dentists needing more requisite experience and proficiency in veneer placement can yield superficially satisfactory outcomes. However, a deeper consideration is imperative. Each facet contributes to the eventual results, from selecting appropriate porcelain veneers to the precision in sizing and shaping and the technique employed during the application. And when we refer to “results,” we extend beyond mere aesthetic enhancement of your teeth. While achieving a flawless visual outcome is undeniably paramount, other aspects bear equal weight, such as the durability of the bonding that secures your porcelain veneers and the impeccable fit to ensure your comfort while eating, among other factors.


Every type of veneer necessitates a certain degree of preparation. Even veneers marketed as “no-prep,” such as Lumineers, Durathin, and Vivaneers, more accurately should be termed “some prep” or “minimal prep” veneers.
While instances arise where these particular porcelain veneers can be affixed without removing any tooth structure, particularly in scenarios featuring significant gaps between teeth, the probable outcome is an artificial-looking smile that impairs the proper closure of your jaw. As Dr. Raanan aptly phrases it, “Your mouth is going to look like it’s full of bubble gum.”
Attaining the correct positioning of porcelain veneers demands effort and unwavering attention to detail. The most exceptional dental veneers possess the potential to endure a lifetime, but it demands the expertise of a consummate cosmetic dentist to execute the procedure flawlessly. It’s your oral well-being at stake, and when it comes to achieving perfection, your smile unequivocally takes precedence.


WHAT IS THE COST OF PORCELAIN VENEERS? Numerous patients often prioritize the cost of porcelain veneers when evaluating the ideal cosmetic dentist for their needs. While this perspective is understandable, allowing price to influence a crucial life choice unduly might very well constitute a grave error.

Your mouth holds profound significance in defining your identity. It shares an intimate connection with both your physical welfare and your accomplishments in the professional and social realms. Consider the frequency with which you engage your mouth throughout each day ā€” speaking, chewing, consuming food and beverages, breathing, smiling, and conveying myriad emotions. In instances where any aspect is amiss, you’ll experience the impact with every mouth closure and, potentially, even with every inhalation you take.

"Every dentist should strive to be a cosmetic dentist, and their work should always satisfy both form and function. It's not only about aesthetics. It's also about how long the tooth lasts, the comfort of the bite and much, much more.'

The meticulous creation of a harmonious bite involves a significant amalgamation of physics, geometry, and artistic prowess. A proficient cosmetic dentist invests ample time in comprehending the interplay of teeth alignment, orchestrating elements that bestow balance and aesthetic appeal to a smile and myriad other intricacies. When you choose Rodney Raanan for your porcelain veneers in Beverly Hills, you’re assured of a process wherein every veneer is meticulously positioned to integrate seamlessly, alleviating the need for subsequent repairs or replacements.

The most accurate way to ascertain the cost of porcelain dental veneers is to visit our premises for a consultation. Here, you will engage in a personalized session with Dr. Rodney. During this meeting, they will evaluate the teeth warranting porcelain veneers, determine the requisite preparatory measures, and gauge the work required. Our on-site laboratory ensures swift service. Please reach out to us today to initiate a discussion regarding your possibilities.

"To save money on dentist is the worst thing anyone can do, but I learned it the hard way. Dr Rodney had to correct the other dentist's bad job, and he couldn't have done it any better."

Before & After Photo Gallery>


Entrusting your oral health to an inexperienced dentist can lead to a lifetime of complications. What sets Dr. Rodney Raanan apart is our amalgamation of expertise, proficiency, and artistic finesse, ensuring the placement of your porcelain veneers adheres to a meticulous pursuit of perfection with a minimalist methodology. We invest the necessary time to execute the process flawlessly, prioritizing the preservation of tooth structure ā€” often removing less than the thickness of a fingernail.

"I conveyed my apprehensions to him, and he attentively listened, addressing each concern individually. Throughout the treatment course, he consistently inquired about my comfort, welcomed any queries I had, and ensured I was well-informed at every juncture. I am absolutely thrilled with the ultimate outcome!"

Before your departure with your new porcelain veneers, we perform a conclusive set of X-rays integral to our exclusive quality assurance procedure. Subsequently, advanced imaging software is employed to rigorously scrutinize your smile from multiple viewpoints, verifying its impeccable status threefold. Our ardor and objective encompass the attainment of seamless, harmonious, and aesthetically pleasing outcomes. Above all, the longevity of your results is guaranteed.
This represents your lifelong smile transformation, and with our naturally realistic porcelain dental veneers from Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentists, you can unreservedly and confidently embrace and proclaim, “Own Your Smileā„¢.”


The process of getting porcelain veneers typically does not cause pain, as the teeth are numb during the procedure. Some people may experience minor sensitivity or discomfort afterward, but this should resolve within a few days.
Porcelain veneers are designed to look natural and blend in with your existing teeth. They are made of thin, translucent porcelain that’s color-matched to your teeth. When properly placed by a skilled dental professional, veneers should look like a natural part of your smile
Porcelain veneers are a long-lasting dental restoration, with many patients experiencing a lifespan of 10-15 years or more. However, the longevity of veneers can vary depending on many different factors, such as your oral hygiene habits and the amount of force applied to the veneers during biting and chewing.
It is not necessary to get veneers for all of your teeth. Veneers are typically used to restore the appearance of one or more teeth that are visibly damaged, discolored, or misaligned. If you only have issues with a few teeth, you may only need veneers on those specific teeth.
Porcelain veneers are not meant to be removable, as they are permanently bonded to your teeth. However, in some cases, they can be removed by a dental professional. It is important to note that removing veneers may damage the underlying tooth structure, so it is generally not recommended unless there is a specific reason to do so.
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